Friday 2 January 2015

New Year Make up Resolutions

Happy 2015 Guys!!!

Now to get into the spirit of the new year I've made 3 resolutions involving my make up to perfect over the next 365 days.

First of all are my eyebrows. I've always shied away from filling my brows in because I felt the eyebrow pencils were too heavy and even with eyebrow cake I could never do it quite right. However, this year I'm going watch all of the tutorials I need to get my eye brows looking clean-cut and well-shaped.

Next is a the smoky eye look which I've always  had trouble with. I really like this look because I love the soft and blended effect it gives but I can never get it right. I'm going to experiment to find the right colours that'll suit my brown eyes and try to blend them so they give the right smoky effect.

Lastly is lipstick. I consider myself to be quite a shy person and so don't really put much effort into being bold with lipstick; I stick with either light lipstick colours, lip glosses or lip balm. So my resolution for this year is to be bolder and more experimental with my lipstick to add more spice and interest to my make up looks.

Remember don't hesitate to comment any advice or even share you own make up resolutions.

Becca :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey I nominated you for a Liebster Award:) More information here:
